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Shanghai Matech Machinery Manufacture Corporation Ltd.
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Competitive OEM factory
Suppliers who primarily handle manufacturing, have a 2-Star Rating or above, and feature on the homepage.
Design-based customization
The data is from past contract of the latest inspection report as assessed by independent third parties.
Sample-based customization
The data is from past contract of the latest inspection report as assessed by independent third parties.
Multi-Language capability:
Suppliers who have foreign language ability other than English, as assessed by independent third parties
Competitive OEM factory
Suppliers who primarily handle manufacturing, have a 2-Star Rating or above, and feature on the homepage.
Design-based customization
The data is from past contract of the latest inspection report as assessed by independent third parties.
Sample-based customization
The data is from past contract of the latest inspection report as assessed by independent third parties.
Multi-Language capability:
Suppliers who have foreign language ability other than English, as assessed by independent third parties